The Basic Idea Behind Our Software

We have a business philosophy supported by a revolutionary approach to software development.


Using The Virtual Company Concept (TVC) we help you recruit the relevant market expertise because no matter how good your concept, it takes experience to turn a good idea into reality. The advantage is the credibility, contacts and clients are already established, ensuring speedy growth. By using successful and proven business leaders and commuting salary for equity, the business is much more likely to succeed. Crucially, TVC allows you to retain the intellectual property of your idea.


The basic idea behind our software is very simple. We work with the Open Source community to develop reusable chapters of code enabling us to build fully bespoke solutions but in a fraction of the normal time and cost. In return for their hard work, the Open Source programmers can benefit from our source code themselves modify it, bug fix and redistribute freely. The software evolves at an astonishing speed which in turn benefits our clients. It’s a win win situation.



Please contact us if you have any queries or input into our software program.